J. Pavlunenko Consulting

Resume & Profile Writing Services 

Welcome, and thank you for your interest in our resume services! 

J. Pavlunenko Consulting is focused on growth, improvement, and innovation with a passion for quality, engagement, and compliance. 

We hire only the best writers and coaches to support you with your professional branding, and we look forward to working with you! 

To get started, please scroll down and choose the service that best fits your situation.

What Service Do You Need?

Keep in mind these subtypes have very different formats.


Federal resumes have their own format. If you didn't know that, perhaps we should discuss your goals before we get started.


This is your typical 9-5 in either the for-profit or non-profit world. Language and style will depend on role, industry, and sector.  

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

If you are European, flip over to Professional. In the US, CVs are used for higher education, research, and medical fields.

 Customer Reviews & Testimonials

Why Should You Invest in a Resume Service?

If you answered "yes" to any of these, it may be time to hire a professional.


We are great at what we do, but...

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